Sep 2Liked by Kelly DiNardo

So incredibly proud of you. Here's to more space and grace...

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Kelly- I feel your pain. You are not alone in this. Lots of jobs are going away and new ones are being created.

Sometimes rest is the healthiest thing we can do ! Learning how to slow down is even better. Hugs to you.

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Sep 1Liked by Kelly DiNardo

Hi Kelly! I only recently found your newsletter (I think thru Erika?!) and just wanted to say I feel you on the deep identity connection to “writer” and also the burnout around it. It’s very admirable to honor your capacity. I for something like 8 or more years published my newsletter at a weekly cadence and while there was a time when it felt do-able over the last couple of years I had to downshift. It was just no longer in my energetic power to keep that volume and I also questioned - if I myself couldn’t keep up with reading weekly newsletters from all the writers i admired and appreciated - should i really expect my readers to keep up? My readership plateaued but ultimately it was my only choice. Sending you internet 🙌🏻high fives for the decision and getting back to being!

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Thank you so much! Yes, I think we have lots of friends in common and I've been reading your work for a bit now--I think also through Erika. I love writing the newsletter; it brings me a lot of joy. It's the other writing I do as a freelance journalist that have worn me down. But it's amazing the power and release that comes with just naming the problem. And I'm enjoying the beginning of this writing sabbatical and time to refill my creative cup.

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Appreciate you so much. I love your writing and know you will always be a writer whether you’re getting paid for words or not

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Sep 1Liked by Kelly DiNardo


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