Jun 2Liked by Kelly DiNardo

Excellent piece Kelly! Here here for this clarity and owning our own power and importance as artists. And also, creativity requires risk, something I think marketing and branding efforts would be against, somehow :)

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Jun 2Liked by Kelly DiNardo

Wow!! Just wow. I cannot believe someone asked you to pay to be on their podcast! Thank you for sharing this because...like wow. We should all remain vigilant ๐Ÿ‘€

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Jun 2ยทedited Jun 2Liked by Kelly DiNardo

Here's to this piece going viral! I appreciate how you wove together how becoming a personal brand puts us into a box, how dehumanizing that is, and how counter to real creativity. There's an element I'm mulling over about how person-as-brand has been an especially feminized sphere - how women have leveraged that for economic power - and how limiting it ultimately is... so much here!!

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Oh, yes! I hadn't thought about how much more prevalent this is for women. That's such a great point.

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Girrrrrl the first time I was asked to pay to play I wanted to give up on the whole thing because how can I ever compete with people who are willing to drop serious cash for exposure. Thank you for bringing light to this topic !!!!

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And readers/listeners have no idea. Itโ€™s so hard to discern legitimate media and pay for play.

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